Conan the realest
and chicken enthusiast
welcome to my brief ass lazy carrd
There simply aren't enough words in a twitter bio for me!!
I'm 17, disabled, trans, gay, jewish, mixed, ADHDer and i likely have autism too <3
im a word scramble :) 🍳
I really like chickens and drawing, I try to be friendly and out going but I'm not the best at dming people :(, that said I'm almost always open for chatting some !!
My bestie is Kv3tch, and if I'm talking about violently mauling anyone its most likely him!
My prices are here !!
I open for comms officially most Fridays, but I'm almost always open to take on a comm whenever! Just dm me if you're interested :3
I have a public trello, here !!
its updated regularly, typically as i work on comms or as soon as something is finished, and shows everything I owe currently and owed since i made the board!
this isnt commission info but i dont wanna make another tab for this carrd
If you feel like you just aren't getting enough awful tweets from my main twitter acc you can follow my private, Beef_raptor where I'm infinitely more annoying!
Here's my TOS, it mainly has info about what I will/won't draw, and some info about the commission process. It's not that intensive or long, my blacklist is at the bottom of my TOS!
I talk in caps a lot and it's not something I'm gonna put a warning on! Aside from that I use tone tags and trigger warnings!
I post about chickens a lot, so if thats something that triggers you I'd suggest not following me
I complain a lot about anything that bugs me and I can be an emotional little bitch baby sometimes <3
-basic dni criteria (profic/ship, racist, homophobe, bigot, anti anti, etc)
-if ur an NSFW acc
-ur okay w/noncon, ddlg, etc
-you mock ppl who dont deserve it
-you support anyone on my blacklist knowing what they did wrong